We have decided to designate our fencing accomplishments in stages so we can actually say something is done... Fencing the land between ours and our neighbors---DONE (basically... we still need to put up the high tinsel wire on and the wire for the electric fence... But, we'll just stick to the positives for now.) The main push was to get the woven wire up so that we would be able to fertilize the land without bothering the neighboring cattle and calves.
We received our soil test recommendations in the nick of time. Results: good on the organic matter, a higher than recommended pH, low phosphorous, and low zinc. With these results, the recommendations from the Iowa State University Extension fruit specialist, and a joint effort with a gentleman from the Inwood Farmers Elevator, we were able to put the rates and product together as a dry/granular fertilizer, and spread the next afternoon and finish the following morning.
More machine modification. This time we used the row cultivator, the John Deere 8420, and the GPS auto-steer, to mark where the vineyard posts will go. We removed the sweep on the center row unit, (the part that digs into the soil), and lowered the disk by 5 inches. This allowed us to make lines every 24 feet going East and West without tearing up the soil.
Progress?... Progress indeed...