12.9-12.10 Blizzard
This fine December afternoon called for course filtration of the La Crescent and Frontenac Gris wines to filter out any of the large particles. We also needed to test the sugars of our other ferments.
Testing the sugars...
First Filtration...
This was our first filtration with our equipment. Most of the time spent in the winery consists of washing and sanitizing before a winery operation, and after... We ran water through the plate and frame filter and filter pads, then a sanitizing solution, then water again... Then, with the lines filled with water we were ready to begin filtering the wine...
To reduce contact of air to the wine, we filled the lines with water, attached the hose to the tank with the unfiltered wine and opened the valve, started the pump and diverted the water to the floor, until the wine ran it's course through the filter and into it's destination tank.
Frontenac Gris Filtration
La Crescent Filtration
And on to the La Crescent, we followed the same steps...
All in all, first filtration a success... But the night doesn't end there. Cleaning, and sanitizing...
And... Our attempt at getting home.
Didn't see that one coming... ;o) There is a road under there somewhere...
Thankful for my father.
12.12.10 Electrical Duo
12.13.10-12.14.10 Bottles Arrive, and Drilling Begins.
Geothermal Drilling Begins...
Fortunately it doesn't need to be above 40 degrees to drill... Hoping the drilling can be finished soon!
12.17.10 Event Windows Arrive! and are Installed!
12.18.10 - 12.19.10 Bottling La Crescent and Frontenac Gris 2010!
Running water through the hoses and filter getting ready for another filtration and bottling.
Bottle flippin'.
Pumping water and sanitizing solution through the hoses, plate and frame filter, cartridge filter, and bottle filler.
La Crescent
We have a two stage plate and frame filter, so we can filter the wine through a course filter to a finer filter in one pass.
Our corker is awesome. Smooth and simple. Will and I would fight over who got to cork...